Congrats again to our subscribers on another winning day. 2-1 yesterday, bringing our April to 22-14. Our $100 player is up $660 on the month. (We average the juice to 10% with baseball. Too much to keep up with as it changes so much and can differ depending on who you are with.)

We have some day baseball on the board, so if you are a subscriber, be sure to check the Locks page early on. THREE total Locks today. If you are not a subscriber - it's time you caught up. We are rolling through baseball, and we can't wait for the NBA playoffs to start. Play along with us and win. Click here to subscribe.

Yesterday's Results: Another Winning Day. 2 Wins (Reds, 76ers) 1 Loss (Spurs) [Yankees rained out, no action.]

Today's Free Open Lock: Phoenix Suns -6'



Good Luck!