Big 7-2 Sunday, congratulations to our subscribers, as it's always a great feeling to close out a week strong. Let's keep the momentum rolling as we close out the month of September this week, and we start that with THREE Locks on the board tonight, including side and total for the Monday Night Football game. Susbcribers can click here to get all of tonight's Locks.

The last two weeks of Sunday NFL... 12-4. Big weekends for our subscribers - if you're not yet subscribing, get on board! There's no better value available. Only $80/month - which is less than $3/day - and you get every Lock, from every league, on every day. No gimmicks, we are transparent and up front, and we don't hassle you. It's time you started winning AND keeping all the money in your pocket. Click here to subscribe.

Yesterday's Results: Winner. 7 Wins (Bills, Packers, Redskins, Seahawks, Rams, Eagles, Bears/Cowboys OVER) 2 Losses (Bengals, Titans)

Today's Free Open Lock: Falcons/Saints UNDER 53'



Good Luck!