We've got FIVE Locks following up a 3-0 Sunday. Subscribers can click here for all of tonight's Locks.

Alright, special announcement regarding LANCES LOCK DOT COM and something we’ve never done before on the site. For the NCAA Tournament, we are guaranteeing you a winning tournament. For only $200, get every Lock we have on the NCAA Tournament, and if we don't have you at 55% or better - you get your money back. Winning, guaranteed.

To get on board with us, DM us on Twitter - @lanceslock is the handle - or shoot an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and ask for the Tournament Hook Up.

Yesterday's Results: Winners. 3 Wins (Northwestern, Memphis, Michigan)

Today's Free Open Lock: Furman +2'



Good Luck!