By LT Locks on Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Category: 2016

2016-02-10 Lance's Lock

Got a good week going, with a nice month developing as well. 29-22 in February, 9-3 this week. Let's keep rolling. We have NINE Locks on the board tonight. Subscribers can get them all here.

Get on board and win consitently. It's that simple. If some website or service is telling you they hit 75, 80% of their games... they are lieing to you! On this site, we're up front about everything - we list out the winning days, as well as the not-so-winning days. And, it's a great value. Only $80/month, which is less than $3/day - and you get all the Locks for all the leagues. Click here to get on board.

Yesterday's Results: Winner. 4 Wins (Virginia, Creighton, Jazz, Bucks) 1 Loss (Purdue)

Today's Free Open Lock: Boston Celtics pk



Good Luck!