By LT Locks on Monday, 28 March 2016
Category: 2016

2016-03-28 Lance's Lock

Happy Monday to everyone, as we hope you enjoyed those 3 Easter Eggs we left for you yesterday. 3-0 Sunday to close out a winning week. Let's finish out March strong this week and get rolling into April and MLB. Just TWO Locks on the board tonight, subscribers can get both of them here.

As stated above, MLB is about to get started for real, and we have been very good in baseball the past few years (prior to starting the site). If you want to win with the boys of summer, make sure you are a subscriber. Only $80/month - less than $3 day - and you get all of MLB, our NBA playoff Locks, and on into football season. Can't beat the value. Sign up and subscribe here.

Yesterday's Results: Winner. 3 Wins (Columbia, Syracuse, UNC)



Good Luck!