By LT Locks on Monday, 06 March 2017
Category: 2017

2017-03-06 Lance's Lock

3-1 yesterday, missing a 4-0 by a half point. Tournament week is starting, and we're ready to go. This week can be a little abnormal, with late games and spreads being posted so late, so it may be a deal where we start the day with three Locks, but add some during the day depending on what comes out. We want to give everyone plenty of time prior to the tips, but sometimes on our end, we have to wait and see where we want to be on a certain game. As always, stay in tune with us on Twitter, @LancesLock.

Today we have THREE Locks on the board. Susbcribers can click here for all of today's Locks.

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Yesterday's Results: Winner. 3 Wins (Wisconsin, Tulane, Pacers) 1 Loss (Northwestern)

Today's Free Open Lock: Charlotte Hornets -3'



Good Luck!