Lance's Lock

Check back daily for the Free Open Lock of the Day. For more Locks, click on the SUBSCRIBE tab above and gain access to all of Lance's Locks. While many handicappers and websites offer plays on almost every game on the board, Lance offers you only the choicest options for that day. Lance stresses that picking or playing too many games is a good way to lose. Get on the winning side today with Lance's Locks.

2015-07-16 Lance's Lock

Another night with very little on the board, so we go north of the border. No other plays tonight, so everyone gets this one gratís.

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  1981 Hits

3/10/15 – The Lock Results

Yesterday (3/10/15) was a so-so day with not a great slate of games to select from. 2-1 for the day, though we did have the Free Lock hitting for us on the Pelicans/Nets over.

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  3513 Hits